Iris Vidmar Jovanović


Assistant Professor

University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Siences

Department of Philosophy

UNIRI portfelj



Reseach Interests

Iris Vidmar Jovanovć works primarily in aesthetics and philosophy of art, with particular interest at philosophy of literature, poetry and Kant’s aesthetics. Her area of expertise includes epistemology and metaphilosophy as well as questions relating to the overall value of the humanities. She taught a wide variety of courses pertaining to these areas, and extending to ethics, bioethics, emotions, philosophy of sexuality and modern philosophy. She was a visiting scholar at the York University and Columbia University and she spent a year teaching at Auburn University. She is a member of the steering committee of European Society of Aesthetics and is an editor of its Proceedings. She is currently a secretary of Croatian Society for analytic philosophy and a secretary of Phd program Philosophy and contemporaneity.


Selected Publications

Vidmar, I. „Kant on Poetry and Cognition“ (2020), Journal of Aesthetic Education

Vidmar, I. (2019), „Rethinking the Philosophy-Literature Distinction.“ Rivista di Estetica, 70/1

Vidmar, I. (2017). “A Portrait of an Artist asa Gifted Man: What Lies in the Mind of a Genius?.” Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics, 591-614 .

Vidmar, I. (2014). “Thought Experiments, Hypotheses and the Cognitive Dimension of Literary Fiction.” Synthesis Philosophica 28(1-2): 177-93.

Vidmar, I. (2014). “Istine i trivijalnosti književnih djela.” Kultura 143(2014): 11-33.

Vidmar, I. (2016). “Identity, humanity and bioethics: philosophical aspects of Never Let Me Go.” In A. Prnjat & V. Kolarić, eds., Shadows in the Cave: Film and Philosophy, Beograd: Alfa Univerzitet.

Vidmar, I. (2017). “On Literary Cognitivism from the Perspective of Difference between Literature and Philosophy.” Synthesis Philosophica 32: 371-86.

Vidmar, I. (2017). “Epistemic Game of Thrones.” Synthesis Philosophica 32(1): 215-34.

Vidmar, I. (2019). “Literature and Truth – Revisiting Stolnitz’s Anti-cognitivism.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 56: 351-70.

Vidmar, I. (2018), „Big Philosophical Questions – Why They Matter And Why They Are Still Around?“ European Legacy,2,4, 403-415)



Literature as domain of ethics, lead investigator, 2018 – present

Meta-metaphylosophy, assosiate reseracher, 2019 – present