The Aesthetic Division at the Department of Philosophy, University of Rijeka and the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy, in collaboration with the Center for Language Research, invite you to discussion group
With Bronislava Volková and Davor Grgurić
Friday, January 20th, 10:15 – 12:00, room 401
Bronislava Volková is an exile poet, who left Czechoslovakia in 1974 and lived over 40 years in the USA, where she became a Full Professor in the Slavic Department of Indiana University, Bloomington. She started publishing poetry ten years later at PmD (Poetry Abroad) in Munich, West Germany and in a number of journals in various languages all over the world. A selection from these poems appeared in Votobia, Olomouc, Czech Republic in 1995 under the title Roztříštěné světy (Shattered Worlds). In English, her selected poems appeared in Sheep Meadow Press, New York 1993 under the title Courage of the Rainbow. Her poetry is reflective, existential and growing its metaphysical dimension. She has also translated many Czech poets into English and Slavic poets into Czech. Her bilingual anthology of 20th century Czech poetry appeared under the title Po hřbetě ďábla/Up the Devil’s Back in Slavica Publishers v Bloomington 2008. Apart from poetry, she publishes stories and essays on the topic of exile, which are also translated into various languages. In addition to her poetry and academic work, professor Volkova is also an accomplished visual artist. Details about her life and work are available at
Davor Grgurić is a Croatian poet, writer, translator, journalist and editor, and is currently a president of the Rijeka branch of the Croatian Writers’ Association.
During the event, a presentation of the literary journal Književna Rijeka will take place.
Moderator: Iris Vidmar Jovanović This event is organized as part of the research activities of the HRZZ project Aesthetic Education through Narrative art and Its Value for the Humanities