Post-Doctoral Researcher
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Philosophy
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UNIRI Portfolio
Research Interests
Her research interests are related to pragmatics, especially implicit and indirect communication. She investigates the relation between language and speech and phenomena like conversational and conventional implicatures, explicatures and implicitures. Besides that, she works on the merging of pragmatic investigations with findings from other philosophical disciplines, especially those from epistemology (for example, through the question whether we can testify with indirect speech acts), ethics (can we lie through indirect speech acts), and argumentation theory, but also those from other fields of research like media and literature. She is interested in topics related to forms of verbal deception that can be used as counterexamples to the traditional definition of lying. This kind of investigation encompasses the analysis of literary, media and political language forms and its goal is to provide an insight into the speaker’s intention and the hearer’s interpretative process. She also applies the insights of a pragmatic theory of communication to medicine and biology.
Selected Publications
“Lažne vijesti: kako ih odrediti?” Knowledge – 38
“Shakespeareov Jago kao protuprimjer tradicionalnoj definiciji laži”, Filozofska istraživanja – 39 827-851
“Poništavanje i zadano značenje”, Jezici i kulture u vremenu i prostoru, VIII/1 – zbornik radova 611-620
„Prednost izračunavanja pred poništavanjem implikatura: argumentacijski pristup“, Colloquium: New Philologies, 2019. – 4 36-51,
„Do conversational implicatures express arguments?“, Croatian Journal of Philosophy, god. 17, br. 2, 2018, 335-350
„The place for conversational implicature in doctor-pacient interaction“, Prolegomena, 16., br. 2, 2017, 117-12
„The Creation of Meaning“, chapter in an edited book in honor of Michael Devitt, ed. Bojan Borstner, Unoversity of Maribor (forthcoming)
„Slurs: How Pragmatics and Semantics Affect Ethics“ in A Word Which Bears a Sword – Inquiries into Pejoratives, N. Miščević i J. Perhat (eds), Kruzak 2016., str. 203. – 227.
“Theorethical Underpinnings of Molecular Biology”, University of Rijeka, Croatian science foundation, project leader: Predrag Šustar, June 2020 –
„Od gramatike do pragmatike“ (From grammar to pragmatics), University of Rijeka, uniri-human-18-13, project leader: Lada Badurina, from March 2019 –
„Racionalnost: između logičkog ideala i svakodnevnog zaključivanja“ (Rationality: from commonsensical to everyday reasoning), Croatian science foundation IP-06-2016-2408, project leader: Nenad Smokrović, July 2017 – October 2019