Doctoral research fellow
University of St Andrews and University of Oslo
Research Interests
My research interests lie primarily at the intersection of philosophical methodology and philosophy of language, as well as related areas in social ontology and feminist theory. More specifically, my research contributes to the recent developments in conceptual engineering and social group generic statements.
Selected Publications
Fuš, M. 2016. Comments on Inan’s Notions of Objectual and Propositional Curiosity. Croatian Journal of Philosophy Vol. 18, No. 48: 313-325. (with a short reply from Ilhan Inan in the same volume).
Fuš, M. 2016. Pejoratives as Social Kinds: Objections to Miscevic’s Account. In A Word Which Bears a Sword: Inquiries into Pejoratives, ed. N. Miscevic and J.Perhat, 179-202. Zagreb: KruZak.
Fuš, M. 2013. An Acquaintance Constraint and a Cognitive Significance Constraint on Singular Thought. Balkan Journal of Philosophy Vol. 5, No. 2: 163-174.
Fuš, M. 2013. Bach’s Constraint on Extending Acquaintance: Some Questions and a Modest Proposal. Croatian Journal of Philosophy Vol. 8, No. 38: 201-216. (with a short reply from Kent Bach in the same volume).
ConceptLab: researcher, Toppforsk project (2016-2021), Norwegian Research Council,